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Privacy Policy

AdvantageScope is a volunteer-run project that is owned and published by the Littleton STEM Educational Foundation ("Littleton Robotics"), a non-profit organization based in the United States.

Information We Collectโ€‹

Littleton Robotics does not collect data from users of the AdvantageScope application or documentation site (

Users of AdvantageScope beta releases may be asked to complete an online feedback survey. Responses to this survey may be retained by Littleton Robotics for the purpose of improving future releases. This information may include the user's team number, email address, operating system, and feedback responses. Personally identifying information will never be shared outside of Littleton Robotics without the user's consent.

Third-Party Data Collectionโ€‹

The AdvantageScope repository and documentation site are hosted by GitHub, which publishes a privacy policy that applies when interacting with these services.

The AdvantageScope application may connect to GitHub services to check for updates and download assets. These interactions are covered by the GitHub privacy policy.

Some AdvantageScope features integrate with The Blue Alliance to provide additional functionality (as indicated by the text "Powered by The Blue Alliance"). These interactions are covered by The Blue Alliance's privacy policy.

Opening videos from The Blue Alliance or YouTube requires that the AdvantageScope application interface with Google services, as covered by the Google privacy policy.

Users of AdvantageScope beta releases who choose to fill out the feedback survey are interacting with Google Forms, which is also covered by Google's privacy policy


Questions about this policy can be directed to