AdvantageScope is a robot diagnostics, log review/analysis, and data visualization application for FIRST Robotics Competition teams developed by Team 6328. It reads logs in WPILOG, DS log, Hoot (CTRE), and RLOG file formats, plus live robot data viewing using NT4 or RLOG streaming. AdvantageScope can be used with any WPILib project, but is also optimized for use with our AdvantageKit log replay framework. Note that AdvantageKit is not required to use AdvantageScope.
What's New in 2025?
Getting Started
Tab Reference
More Features
AdvantageScope includes the following tools:
- A wide selection of flexible graphs and charts
- 2D and 3D field visualizations of odometry data, with customizable CAD-based robots
- Synchronized video playback from a separately loaded match video
- Joystick visualization, showing driver actions on customizable controller representations
- Swerve drive module vector displays
- Console message review
- Log statistics analysis
- Flexible export options, with support for CSV and WPILOG
Feedback, feature requests, and bug reports are welcome on the issues page. For non-public inquiries, please send a message to